Conquering 2017 with some speed bumps along the way….
Hey all! So it’s been kind of quiet lately. I’m sorry about that. Had a bit of a speed bump in my plans to conquer 2017. Oh I still have every intention of conquering – it just might be on a slightly different schedule! About ten days ago I ended up in the hospital. You see, no one ever told me that the gall bladder (something everyone insists you can do without) can make you really, really, sick if you just try to power through an attack. I had an attack in mid-January and they sent me home from the ER and told me to look into surgery – because…
Not your typical Damsel….
I hate selling things. I really, really do. Most people think that marketing and publicity are all sales, but they really aren’t. Marketing is about a message and a brand and it hopefully HELPS sales, but it’s definitely not sales. Talking people into spending money on something is one of my least favorite things to do. Over the holidays, I came across a company that snagged my attention. Damsel in Defense. Don’t you just LOVE that name? As someone who has worked extensively in human trafficking, I was instantly engaged. When I went to the page and saw the products, I was even further drawn in. Their marketing was on point…
Flashback: Happy to be ‘just a spouse….’
This morning when I got on Facebook, it reminded me of my memories from this date over the years. I do love this about Facebook and often, it brings to mind those daily treasures that too often are forgotten. On this date in 2010 though, there was a pretty powerful memory that I felt needed to be shared. again. Especially in light of our current situation. Rather than hit the share button on Facebook, I decided to put it here on my blog. So I beg your indulgence as I share a memory from November 19, 2010. Please excuse this space for a little therapy since I can’t afford (and…
One step at a time….
I posted this yesterday on my Facebook page (I had too much happening to even attempt to get it over here!) But now I have a little time, so I thought I’d share. 🙂 This is a long update, but stick with me. It turned out to be a mini blog entry that I just don’t have time to put in the blog right now – so putting it here! LOL! So I’m not gonna lie. Yesterday was a really tough day for me. I had just wrapped my brain around a plan, gotten the kids settled on what the next month would look like and literally just decided it…
Hubby Update: What A Difference a Week Makes!
So a week ago I posted this blog about my hubby’s pain issues and the surgeries that were scheduled for next week. We had, quite literally, no idea what we were walking into. That’s some scary stuff. Looking back at all we’ve been through this week, it still awes me how much we didn’t know. I meant to update Friday evening. And then again on Saturday. But it’s taken me a couple of days to get my head together enough to put my thoughts into something coherent. Writing always helps me process. So this blog is as much for me as it is for you. Yesterday I was exhausted. Couldn’t even…
Are we raising up the next generation of leaders? Or have we left them to wander the desert?
Recently I started working on some of our holiday offerings for Radiant Lit. (I know, I know. Quit groaning! If we’re going to gather up products to review or write articles about that will post then, we really should have started at least a month ago! Anyway, one of our more popular series at Radiant Lit was a couple of years ago when we highlighted a lot of Bibles. It seems Bibles are a hot Christmas gift for a lot of people. So we got a ton of Bibles for everyone from toddlers to scholars and everyone in between and we reviewed them. We’re looking at doing this again and I’m…