What Does Forgiveness Look Like – Part Two
Hi! Welcome back…last time, if you recall, we were talking about forgiveness. You can see that story here: What Does Forgiveness Look Like? (Part One) Where were we? Oh yes – Stanley had made some very poor decisions that resulted in him and his friends owing Jimmy, Bob and George a LOT of money. But instead of owning the responsibility fo what he did, he wanted them to forgive him. And in Stanley’s mind (and therefore the minds of his friends as well) that meant making the situation go away. Bad enough, right? But let’s mix it up just a little bit. Now, imagine that it was well known…
What Does Forgiveness Look Like? Part One
Not too long ago while I was working on a client’s business, I encountered a situation that made me wonder what forgiveness is. I know that it is choosing to let go when you can hold on. Sometimes it might be releasing a debt that someone owes you. I get that part. But what does it look like in action? Here’s an example to explain what I mean. Let’s say Jimmy George Bob’s sandwich shop is offering franchise opportunities across the U.S. (Do you like that name? I’m good, right? Oh yeah, back to the story. ) It is going to cost quite a bit of money to put a…
Kudos to Clarins and Influenster for being class acts…
I’m a member of Influenster. I love being a part of their promotions and trying out new products. And obviously, you can see that I love talking about new things – so it’s a slam dunk all the way around! Recently I took part in a campaign where I got to try a skin product from Clarins. Now post cancer, I’m really really really cautious about my skin. The radiation damage and the difficulties I went through during treatments really took a toll on me – both my skin and my emotions. So when I tried this new product, I was a little hesitant, to say the least. Thankfully, it…
Can you be too careful? Um…no. Not in this business.
This started out as a Facebook post, but it grew and grew to the point that I realized it would be better handled as a blog entry/article. So here you go! Over the weekend, a close friend of my family texted me to ask me about a potential agent that had reached out to her via Facebook. This girl is like a daughter to me and she knows how much I care about her, so protective mode kicked in. Where did you hear of this guy? Who recommended him? What’s he offering? The answers were a bit murky. All she had for me was his name, a link to his…
Review: Breakthrough on National Geographic Channel
What happens when you give six prominent filmmakers the chance to explore subjects that are mysterious, puzzling and close to their heart? You get a television series like Breakthrough. Each week, join a filmmaker on a very personal journey to discover answers to questions that plague not only themselves, but humanity. More like science fiction than documentary, this series covers extreme situations that show us where our future may lead. Is it possible to seamlessly create robotics that work with the human body? Could a pandemic wipe out the whole of civilization? Is there a water crisis looming in front of us? My family and I received these dvds to…
Do you have a ministry rate?
I’m going to say something controversial here. It may bother some people but it’s something that’s been on my heart for a while. Over the course of my business, I’ve worked with a variety of groups from ministries to Forbes 500 corporations. And there’s something that happens within the Christian realm that you really don’t see elsewhere. They want a deal. Now not all of them across the board and it’s not always huge, but it’s there. I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve been told because I want to work for a ministry, I need to lower my rates. But not my service. These ministries want…