What American Sniper Taught Me About My Marriage
I’ve been a military spouse for 18 years. My husband has technically been out of the military for about two years, but I’ll explain my reasoning for using present tense in a bit. With all of those years of experience, I am able to say that I know a little about being a military spouse. I’m not saying that facetiously either. I am well aware that my experience as a spouse is not the same as many other spouses and that the world of military spouses is far larger than just my bubble of knowledge. I know just enough to understand that I have a deep respect for every military…
Book Review: It Will Be Okay by Lysa TerKeurst
The little seed does not want anything to change in his life. It’s warm, comfy, and cozy in the farmer’s shed and that’s the way seed likes it. Even though the little seed sees the Farmer come in often and take out other seeds, he does not want his life to change. The little fox is very similar. He loves to run and play in the sun. His little den is fabulous and it’s his favorite place to snuggle down for a good night’s sleep. That’s until one night when a terrible storm strikes and his den fills with water. Poor little fox has no place to go. In the…
Faith vs. Belief
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” Hebrews 11:1-2 Have you ever heard of a faith walk? This isn’t a new term for me, but when I sat down to write this article, I decided to look it up just to make sure that I was referencing it properly. You know what I found? Not much. Wait. Let me clarify that. I found churches, Bible studies, organizations, devotionals, blogs, groups…tons of things. But none of them was a specific definition or description of origin. So let me say that I’m not a theologian.…
God’s doing a new thing and He doesn’t want you to miss it!
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. – Isaiah 43:19 I’m not a theologian by any stretch of the imagination. I love God’s word. As a writer and a book reviewer, it’s not surprising that I love words. The Bible is rife with gorgeous stories and word pictures. If you haven’t read it, even if you aren’t a Christian, you should give it a try. The Psalms, the prophets, the history…it’s amazing. But sharing this love of God’s word with my kids hasn’t always been as easy as…
Instead of WWJD….
At this point in time, it’s probably safe to say that a large majority of the planet’s population has seen the phrase “What Would Jesus Do?” somewhere. Hats, shirts, bracelets, notebooks, bumper stickers… (For those who are wondering, the picture is a wall decal you can find here.) With clever bits of merchandising, this tagline has saturated the market for product integration into life. Despite the fact that it’s been so overused it’s become a parody of itself, it’s still a question that those who follow Christ should be considering on a regular basis. For me, this phrase usually takes me to a place with a lot of robed guys…
Back to School! Um…wait. I Homeschool.
Summer’s over! Time to get back to school! For those in public or private school, uniforms are being purchased and supplies are sitting in nice orderly stacks just waiting to be used. Right now they’re neat and tidy – not a mark out of place. No torn covers or bent pages. Those crayons and pens and notebooks have worlds of untapped possibilities. It’s exciting! But I homeschool, so things are different now. Instead of rainbows of crayons and colors, my get back to school involves plotting schedules and choosing curriculum. The organized and savvy homeschooling parents have already chosen their curriculum and many of them are already into their school…