Book Review: It Will Be Okay by Lysa TerKeurst
The little seed does not want anything to change in his life. It’s warm, comfy, and cozy in the farmer’s shed and that’s the way seed likes it. Even though the little seed sees the Farmer come in often and take out other seeds, he does not want his life to change.

The little fox is very similar. He loves to run and play in the sun. His little den is fabulous and it’s his favorite place to snuggle down for a good night’s sleep. That’s until one night when a terrible storm strikes and his den fills with water. Poor little fox has no place to go. In the pouring rain, the little fox runs and searches until he finds a warm, dry place. The Farmer’s shed.
The little seed is not pleased at all with this course of events. He does not want anything in his life to change. But soon, good things begin to happen.
It would be easy for me to give away the entire plot of this book since it only takes a few minutes to read, but the impact it leaves behind is so much bigger than a simple story. Having just recently finished up chemo, radiation, and a radical surgery to fight cancer, my world has a great amount of upheaval and change. When I received this book in the mail, I laughed at first and then I was flushed with warm fuzzies. It was just what I needed. I don’t like change. None of us do. But this book and it’s simple message brought home the reality that we need to trust God. He has the best plan in place. That’s something all of us know and we may remember, but it’s so hard to put into play.
This book was beautiful, sensitive, heartwarming and powerful. When I got to the end I was so impressed with both author and illustrator. As the story unfolded, the pictures were gorgeous and amazing. They added another dimension to the wonderful story TerKeurst had put together.
This book, like The Giving Tree and Oh The Places You’ll Go! has no age limit. It can be a gift for anyone going through a difficult struggle or time. I’ll be giving a copy to a friend who just received a cancer diagnosis. Don’t miss this book – it’s sure to be a classic that will stick around for a very long time.