Subscription Box Review: Bespoke Post
So this subscription box was pretty much what started it all for me. I mean I’ve always loved the idea of them in general but a bad experience with one a year or so ago made me not so interested. The thought of the box was great but when it arrived, it just wasn’t what I’d hoped it would be. So I have been hesitant to get into the boxes since then. But with my husband’s birthday coming up, I started really thinking about what might work for him as a gift. This spawned (as I mentioned earlier) from the fact that I get packages often and the others in my house feel neglected. So I thought it might be fun.
When I started looking, I found tons of box options but not as many for guys. Well, let me check that. There were a lot for guys but not as many that I thought he would really enjoy. He’s not a gamer or a nerd really (he just happens to be surrounded by a whole family of geeks and nerds, but that’s a different blog entry) and dollar shave club wouldn’t work for him because he’s grown a beard since leaving the military. (I have since signed him up for a beard club – yes! There’s one of those – and yes, I’ll review it.)
Bespoke Post really spoke to me though. First, they gave me the option of skipping a box or choosing what theme the box has. I loved that idea! I mean that’s the fun and the danger of these subscription boxes, right? You could end up paying for a box full of stuff you really don’t use, need, want, or even like. But this option struck me fairly. If my choices don’t line up one month with anything he’d like, then we skip it! I love that idea.
The next thing I really appreciated was the choice. There are a variety of options in this club and I wavered back and forth between several before choosing the Frontier box. This is what came in the box:

This box came pretty quickly. It’s an introductory box so when I ordered from them, I got a box shipped right away instead of needing to wait for the next ‘cycle’ of their deliveries. It was kind of cool because we got a choice for another box shortly after getting this one which worked as a one-two punch for him. (Be aware of that for budgeting purposes though – one-two punch for your bank account if you aren’t ready for it.)
He loved it. The items were very high quality and impressive. This is the most expensive box we’ve subscribed to at $45 a month, but the value is definitely worth it. These are items I could search out on my own but I’d pay more for them and it would take a lot of time and effort to build them into a box/theme the way Bespoke Post has.
The second box that came was the Cheers box. I chose this one because the others just weren’t really his speed or style. This one, he also loved. He’s to the point now that he gets excited when he sees a box in the mail and that’s really cool for me to see. I love that this is the gift that keeps on giving.
Right now, Bespoke Post gets two thumbs up from me. Their communication is exceptional. They keep me in the loop on where in the cycle we are, what options I have and they manage to keep me excited about what’s coming for my hubby. And I know everything that’s coming, but he doesn’t – so that’s fun too. I’m highly impressed with this subscription box and if you happen to be looking for a gift for that special man in your life, this may be one you’d like to consider.
*Note: I’m reviewing these boxes purely from a subscription standpoint. I PAID for these subscriptions and the companies have no idea that I’m reviewing for them. However, if you know of a box I should try or if you are a company that would like a review of your process/box, you can email me at and I’m happy to see what we can make work!